
Model Free Reinforcement learning Algorithm for mobile robots

March 01, 2020

Research, Bradley University, Peoria, IL, USA

we present a novel model-free reinforcement learning approach for solving a conventional leader-follower problem using autonomous wheeled mobile robots. Specifically, the proposed learning approach will determine the linear velocity and the steering angle (control actions) of a follower robot so that it can follow the time-varying motion trajectory of a leader robot. Link

Invistegating Materials properties on the nano scale

April 01, 2019

Research, Bradley University, Peoria, IL, USA

The mechanical and surface properties of PCL-based nanofiber mats are investigated using a Nanosurf C3000 atomic force microscope (AFM). One batch of PCL mats were coated with collagen, while the uncoated mats were used as controls. The cell behavior and material property values obtained from the uncoated PCL and collagen-coated PCL mats were analyzed and compared. Paper

Wrist Mechanism for Prosthetic hand

January 01, 2019

Project, Nayla Prosthetics, Sudan

Designed 3D printed wrist mechanism for a myo-electric prosthetic hand that reads the muscular activity from the residual limb of the user, and performs the required movement. Nayla Prosthetics

Cubesat Structure Optimization

January 01, 2018

Project, Space Research Center, Sudan

In this project, we invented an optimized design for the University of Khartoum Space Research Centre UOKSat3 structure. The design was obtained by performing topology optimization of the CubeSat using finite element software package (ANSYS 18.2) to serve as a foundation for using 3D printing technologies for manufacturing the CubeSat structures on the quest for reducing the cost and mass of the structure along with maintaining its strength during the launch environments. Presentation

Low Cost CNC router

December 01, 2016

Project, University of Khartoum, Sudan

In This project we worked on a simple design of a 3 axis CNC routing Machine. The machine is driven by stepper motors utilizing leadscrews and guides manufactured in a local workshop using conventional manufacturing techniques. paper video